

Last year (or maybe the year prior) I opened an ING savings account to steer away from the traditional rates and low-bearing A.P.Y. (annual percentage yield) banks were offering. Since opening the ING account, Mr. MS R contributed so-so but turned a new page leaf in the end of ‘07 when this financial realization came present: you’re financial house must be clean and in tip-top-shape for future guests (investments, properties, etc.)! I’m happy with ING (the first online bank) and all their unparallel interest rate offerings. In addition to their amazing savings account ING also offers: orange CD’s; 401k and business savings accounts; mortgages and home equity loans and superb retirement and investment options.

Read this brief excerpt I yanked from Arkadi Kuhlmann—President and CEO of ING Direct.

“People have to spend less and save more. Be more responsible with their credit. Live within their means. For example, instead of buying as much house as we can afford (or more than we can), how about just as much as we need? Who cares about keeping up with the Joneses?”

Talk about being real and direct! My Mannnn (Denzel line from A.G.)

Here are some tips to make your credit be great in ’08:

*Get a copy of your credit report and check it for accuracy. Fix mistakes that might bring your score down.You can request a free report from Annual Credit.

*Pay BILLS on time. A healthy payment history MS R reader is the largest factor in determining your score.

*Maximize your debt-to-credit ration. Pay down balances you’re using as little of your total credit limit as possible.

*Establish credit relationships. The higher your average account age the better your score.

*Lastly, limit your credit inquiries. It can hurt your score if your credit report is looked at too much.

ING is a great savings solution to start off the ’08 at your financial best. If after visiting ING you say this isn't for me, research other financial institutions to find the best savings solution for you.

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